There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

15th March 2025
Courtney Hope Named As Breaking The Chains Foundation Vice President

At the turn of the year, Breaking The Chains Foundation announced Courtney Hope as their new Vice President.

Founded in 2014, Breaking The Chains provides support by using the power of art and expression to foster creativity, build connections, and community. To help others find a place, they arrange artistic programs such as workshops and live performances aimed at increasing self-love, self-esteem, self-compassion and self-awareness. They work with individuals to help overcome their struggles, foster a supportive community, and work more widely to help break the stigma of body image issues. 

In their announcement, the organisation stated that they were thrilled to reveal Hope as their new Vice President, explaining that "Courtney has been with BTCF for almost 6 years. Her passion, advocacy, creativity, integrity, intelligence, kindness, support, and leadership are truly remarkable, inspiring, and highly valued!"

"Besides being an award-winning actress, accomplished writer, and business owner, here are a few additional accolades ~ Courtney holds a psychology degree as well as a nutrition and healthy living degree from Cornell University. She is certified in personal training, Pilates, Cardio Barre, and Piloxing."

Hope has been with the organisation for over five years, motivated by her early experiences in the entertainment industry and through dance. During her time with them, she has served both as a celebrity ambassador and later as a member of the board, taking part in both online and in-person events. Writing on Instagram about her new role, Hope replied saying that, "I couldn’t be more excited and honored 😍! This foundation means so much to me, and I can’t wait to get to integrate myself deeper and to expand our mission further❤️🙏🏼"

[Video from March 2021]


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