Last month, Olli Tukiannen (aka Ollie T), asked for fans to submit their questions for an upcoming community Q&A. Perhaps best known as the lead guitarist in Poets of the Fall and Old Gods of Asgard, Olli recently launched his debut solo album, Lost Within The Fire. The answers have recently been filmed, edited, and posted on the artist's YouTube channel, available to watch now!
With the release of his solo album, one of the first questions you may have is about his career plans going forward. In the interview, he answers exactly that with the best possible answer for fans, “I breathe Poets of the Fall, that's my first nature! So, of course, they both have a future hopefully, of course. And naturally, I've been doing Poets songs meanwhile, and yeah, we'll continue as soon as we can. We're getting back to normal Poets routine after the release of my solo album. But that said, I definitely hope to have a future for, and space, and possibilities to do both, of course. More the merrier!”
He also tackled a question asking about the trickiest guitar solos to play, and while he credited Brighter Than The Sun and Lift, he also gave a shoutout to the Old Gods of Asgard songs and their intense solos.
Of course, Herald of Darkness was also brought up in its own question, specifically the recording of the music video. In Alan Wake 2, Olli took on the role of Fat Bob Balder, who also had a live-action appearance. He looks back on the experience on stage with a particular fondness of the final scene. He comments that he enjoyed working with everyone on stage and in that electric atmosphere, describing it “an unforgettable experience, for sure!”.
You can watch the full interview below or on his YouTube channel, HERE!