Earlier this year, Taffy (@catastrotaffy), Astor (@asteridae) and Madame Purple (@tinypurplepsycho) teamed up for a brand-new group centred around UK-based Remedy community. This weekend, the UKRC (UK Remedyverse Community) will be meeting up in person at MCM London Expo & EGX for a nerdy get-together.
While cosplaying is very welcome, it's not a mandatory part of gathering, and the invite is available to all Remedy fans who want to celebrate Alan Wake 2's first anniversary.
Writing on Instagram, the group posted, “We’re holding a Cosplay and Fan meet on Sunday to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Alan Wake 2’s release! You don’t need to be cosplaying, if you’re a fan of the games, come and hang out with us, talk about the games and take part in our legendary coffee drinking videos (deer masks included). Will have the big professional camera for photos opportunities!”
The event will be held on Sunday, October 27th at 2pm GMT located outside “on the green, under the shelter”. They note, “Look out for the Ilmo Koskela Cosplayer and Cultist, we’re your hosts!”
I've been following Taffy's preparations for this event and is sounds very sweet and very nerdy. If you're attending the show, make sure to check it out!