There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

29th February 2024
Nathalie Jankie, Marko Muikku and John Crossland Answers r/AlanWake AMA

On Tuesday, Remedy celebrated the community-run Alan Wake subreddit, drawing in 50,000 members with a special Alan Wake 2 AMA (ask me anything). 

For the seventy-minute session, Nathalie Jankie (Mission Designer), Marko Muikku (Gameplay Lead) and John Crossland (Lead Character Artist) answered questions sent in by members, branching a long list of topics from personal victories to inspirations and what it was like returning to a franchise ten years after the original title. Their answers were brilliant to read and packed with unique insight. 

Reflecting on her experiences working on the game, Nathalie stated, "This project came with many exciting challenges! There is so much depth to Alan Wake's narrative and themes, and desperately wanting to do those justice when working on the mission design (for example, Overlaps and dream logic). When pitching any kind of mission design, feelings or intentions can be difficult to put into words, and what one person understands to be "tense" or "hopeful" could mean something else to another. Working on a shared terminology when designing a mission and the player's journey was a challenge, but one we got better and better at. Playable sections and reference material can help establish this terminology."

 Read the full list of Q&As on the r/AlanWake channel HERE

It was a lot of fun to see their answers, and thank you so much to the amazing moderators; ThePerfectGamingZone, kranitoko, Owensin, masterfulshadow, and inblood123 for their amazing work on the subreddit and for Remedy in arranging it.

AMA proof! Nathalie, Marko and John pose for the photo. Marko is holding a sign that reads: "Hello, Reddit! AMA w/ Alan Wake 2 devs. Nathalie, Marko & John. Feb 27th, 2024. r/AlanWake "


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.