There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

14th February 2024
Remedy Shares "Love Letter" Development Diary
[Originally Shown at Alan Wake 2's Launch Party]

Game development is a very odd process. Today, Remedy has shared a sneak peek into the strangeness that goes on behind the curtain with a new development diary, originally created for the Alan Wake 2 Launch Party.

The video, described as a "love letter" to the game, takes viewers on a journey through various milestones as they made the twisting journey towards competition.

The seven-minute episode features interviews from the developers, vlogs from press events, recordings of weird bugs that crept in during development, early footage, concept art and a lot more. It's a really bittersweet video, which highlights the incredible work that has taken place behind the game, across multiple departments. 

Releasing the video on social media, the studio stated, "Happy Valentine's Day, or as we say in Finland, hyvää ystävänpäivää! Consider this our love letter to Alan Wake 2, showing how the game evolved during the course of development. This video was originally for the game's launch party. We wanted to give you a glimpse behind the scenes of game development at Remedy."

As the video has an age rating, you will need to log in to YouTube to be able to watch it directly on the site, but you can check it out, HERE


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Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.