There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

30th October 2022
New Lecture: USD (Universal Scene Description) at Remedy
[Kristof Minnaert & Mika Vehkala]

Let's talk tech! In a lecture recently posted on the official Remedy channels, Kristof Minnaert (Principal Technical Artist at Remedy) and Mika Vehkala (Director of Technology at Remedy) took a detailed look at Remedy's adoption of USD (Universal Scene Description) with the studio's in-house engine, Northlight. During the fifty-minute talk, they also look at the implementation within current and future projects and pipelines. 

If you're new to USD, the studio also gave a brief introduction on social media about what the system is, stating "USD provides robust interchange between digital content creation tools with its expanding set of schemas, covering domains like geometry, shading, lighting, and physics."

Theories. Since the lecture was posted, theories have already begun circling in the community about the demonstrations shown in the talk. One Reddit idea, in particular, has caught the attention of the gaming media. Eagle-eyed fan, Sir_Galehaut, posted their theory that the scene, shown at the four-minute mark, potentially mirrors the New York City Public Library, a location possibly on the books for Alan Wake 2. You can read the full theory on Gamespot, HERE


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