There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

30th April 2022
Rewatch The 505 Games #AlteredApril Livestream!
[Updated with YouTube]

To close out the week, the Control community team got together to take on a fan-created #AlteredApril challenge! 

Vida Starčević (Community Manager at Remedy) and Antonela Pounder (Director of Global Community at 505 Games) tasked James Cartlidge (Brand Community Manager at 505Games) with trying to complete all thirty virtual photography prompts set out by the In Control (@CaptureControl)  Twitter page in ninety minutes.

As you might be able to tell by THIS badge, things may not have gone...entirely smoothly. But hey, if you like pipes or tubes, do they have a live stream for you! 

For the challenge, the group started just after Jesse obtains the Service Weapon and the role of Director. Assist Mode is in play with all options enabled with the exception of Immortality. Virtual photographs also must be within gameplay and not of cinematics. 

#AlteredApril is a month-long, community-driven challenge created by the In Control (@CaptureControl) Twitter page. Throughout the past month, players have been tasked with taking daily photographs focusing on a prompt. These prompts range between characters, locations, objects, and filters.

Vida has already tweeted that the video will be uploaded to YouTube. Once it's up on the new site, we'll embed it from there as Twitch has a time limit for broadcasts to be viewable on the platform. 

If you've also taken part in the #AlteredApril challenge, Remedy would like to see your amazing shots! You can submit your best pieces, HERE!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.