There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

18th September 2021
Remedy Releases "Alan Wake Remastered: Official Fankit"

Back in the ye olde times of ten years ago, Remedy released an "Alan Wake Fansite Kit" a month ahead of the game's launch. The kit contained screenshots, characters profiles, and wallpapers, and while it can't be downloaded from the site anymore, it's still archived HERE. As a website owner, these kits are always cool to get as they guarantee the best image quality and makes things feel a little more official. 

Recently, Remedy published a new "Alan Wake Remastered: Official Fankit" on Imgur for all your Remastered imagery needs! The pack contains two logos, two wallpapers, and seven HQ screenshots from the studio's upcoming release. If you have a fan page, website, or just want to show your support for the game, check it out on Imgur, HERE


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.