There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

30th June 2021
Rowan's Charity Livestream Starts July 11th, 2am UTC
Raising Money For The Trevor Project [Updated!]

If you enjoy restful livestreams, crafts, and nerds chatting about games, make sure to stop by Rowan's Charity Livestream next week!

The broadcast will be going live at 2am UTC on Sunday, July 11th and will continue for twelve hours. That's a lot of crafting! For the stream, Rowan has challenged themselves to create a Remedy-themed patch from scratch, with a penalty if they cannot complete it in time. You can follow their adventures live on Sunday at

Rowan is such a delightful, enthusiastic and supportive artist in the Remedy community who not only makes incredible patches, but music videos, and collages too. For the livestream, they have chosen The Trevor Project, a US-based LGBTQ+ charity that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for young people under 25. You can learn more about the organisation, HERE.

During the show, they will be joined by Vida Starčević (Community Manager at Remedy) for a "chill hangout" and a few interview interviews. I will also be jumping in to do some crafting with Rowan with a smaller Quantum Break project which may end in tears. 

A lot more about the livestream will be revealed in the coming days. You can follow all of the announcements and teasers on Rowan's Twitter page, HERE. They've been putting in a lot of work and love into the project, so if you can, check in next weekend and say hello! 

UPDATE (Saturday 7th August): In case you missed it, Rowan completed their patch within the livestream time! During the twelve hours, they helped raise an amazing $275 for The Trevor Project. In case you wanted to catch up, there are clips available to watch on Rowan's Twitch account (HERE). Alternatively, you can watch their interview with Vida on YouTube, HERE


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.