There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

6th January 2020
A Return To Our Death Rally Retrospective
[Remedy 25th Anniversary]

To celebrate Remedy's 25th anniversary, we're dedicating each month this year to one of their titles with brand new articles, giveaways, and hopefully some interviews!

To fit in with other milestones later in the year such as Alan Wake's 10th anniversary, we won't be tackling the games chronologically. But to kick off 2020, we really do need to begin at the start.

Throughout January, keep an eye out for Death Rally (1996) goodness and new articles exploring how the development team got to together.

For today though, we wanted to return to an older piece that was written for the twentieth anniversary; an in-depth retrospective which explored how the stars aligned and the concepts that could have been Remedy's first title.

Remedy has its origins in the Demoscene, an international subculture where groups strive to push computers to their technical and artistic boundaries. Despite the shared goal, there was a sense of competition with multiple factions working on multiple systems, eager to prove their strengths. Yet, it was from this desire to push expectations which kindled the interest to move onto games, creating a communication between groups. Remedy began to take form when members of Future Crew (focusing primarily on PC) contacted The Aggression (focusing primarily on Atari ST), with a proposal to start a games studio. The combined interest led to a third group being formed, Remedy.

If you're interested to learn how the top-down racer came to be, check out the full retrospective, HERE!

We're also going to be using the hashtag #Remedy25 for all of our celebrations throughout the year, we'd love for you to join us! 


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.