Remedy was back on Twitch this week, showcasing their recently launched DLC pack for Control, Expeditions. Ahead of their broadcast, the studio asked the community to share screenshots of their best times in an attempt to beat them live on Wednesday.
Remedy's Community Manager Vida Starčević was joined on the day by Sergey Mohov (Senior Game Designer on Control) in an hour-long segment. Unfortunately, a last-minute change meant that Teemu Pellonpää (Senior Producer) couldn't just the stream on this occasion.
The target time was 5:57 set by Yonder, you can see if the devs managed it by checking out their Twitch channel or the video posted below!
(We'll switch the video below to the YouTube link once it's available on the official channel.)
Watch Control: Expeditions Speed Play from RemedyGames on

23rd January 2020
Watch Yesterday's Expeditions Speed Play Livestream Here!