There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

30th November 2019
Community Spotlight: Halloween Creations [November]
Pumpkins, Cosplay, and Fan Art!

Community Spotlight is a regular feature which highlights and celebrates amazing fan projects in the Remedy community. In 2018 we switched things up a little with each month having its own spotlighted fan and fan project. This year we're continuing the tradition and for November, we wanted to focus on the community's Halloween creations which really knocked it out of the park this year.

With the spookiest season now over and the festive one on the horizon, we wanted to look back at some of the brilliant Halloween celebrations that took place within the Remedy community. From brand new fan art to freshly carved pumpkins, and some dashing cosplays, here's a wrap up of all the amazing projects that we saw throughout October!

First up, I wanted to start with some badass fan art which meshed Control with the Halloween theme pretty perfectly! Leading up to the big day, Fraser (@fraserbitme) teased about something special in the works, and while he released possible sketches and ideas about what the final piece may be, he kept the full picture secret until it was ready. The result was a heartwarming and funny family portrait (of sorts) featuring Director Trench, and Casper Darling, but features Jesse Faden, without a doubt, taking centre stage in her Halloween haul.

Another simply amazing piece of Control artwork we saw for the occasion was by Mary (@loe_loe_lie) whose twist on the game's theme fantastically switches up the costume theme, with each of the game's character portraying a different Remedy protagonist. Trench naturally slips into the role of Max Payne, as does Casper Darling with Alan Wake, Jesse is at home as herself, but I love that "P7" is cosplaying as Jack Joyce. As soon as I saw "P7", my mind immediately went back to Quantum Break with Nick (played by the same actor, Sean Durrie), in awe of Jack's powers comparing him to a "goddamn X-Men".

Dasha (@DashaHerSelf) was back with another fantastic piece of artwork starring everyone's favourite evil doppelganger, Mr Scratch, carrying a pumpkin because it's good to have friends! The colours are carefully and wonderfully selected, complementing the eerily creepy style of the work. (It's just ketchup on his shirt, right?) In addition to the latest portrait, Dasha has done some brilliant artwork in the past focusing on games ranging from Max Payne to Control.

There were also a number of fantastic Dr Casper Darling cosplays filling our social media channels this Halloween! A few days earlier at MCM London Expo, we saw James Bowers, our Community Spotlight for October, make his debut as Control's eccentric scientist.

We absolutely love Darling and we were so excited that there was a lot of love for the character! Up first we had the talented Steve Thornton (@_SteveThornton) whose cosplay captures perfectly the enthusiasm of the man and his quirkiness. Steve's cosplay comes complete with the white lab coat, staff pass, and company-branded coffee cup. Looking great there, Steve!

Steve was accompanied this year by fellow Darling-cosplayer Payton (@MaybeNotPayton) who also knocked it out of the park with his cosplay. Payton rocked it with identical glasses and smile. In addition to the brilliant look, he also created a redacted document from the FBC, bringing together a fantastic cosplay.

Remedy and 505 Games also shared some of the community creations that were sent in to them or discovered. 

This Halloween, radradrocco on Instagram, brilliantly portrayed Alan Wake in this perfect tribute. Originally posted as part of an Instagram story, Remedy immortalised it by sharing the piece on their Twitter channel. As someone who has tried to search for similar tweed jackets, radradrocco did an amazing job at finding one that looks not only incredibly dapper and authentic to the character. Combined with an exceptionally nerdy background, we're in love with this cosplay!

Finally, we have mindblowing Halloween pumpkin carvings from two talented fans! 

Up first, we have Cameron (@IndustrialGamer) whose design was inspired by Control's box artwork. The carving uses negative space beautifully to highlight Jesse Faden's silhouette, illuminated by tealight in the triangle-shaped window. In addition to the silhouette, Cameron also recreates the Control logo, which is a lot easier said than done! Nonetheless, they executed both designs brilliantly, creating a dazzling pumpkin!

Our last highlighted piece is by Pat (@NDArkie89) whose pumpkin carving was spotlighted on the 505Games Instagram channel. Their carefully controlled scores were etched with an amazingly steady hand to create all the different layers, with each stroke really adding to the look. Inspired by some of the early promotional artwork for the game, Pat's carving is magnificent and perfect captures Control's mysterious vibe!

In addition to the community creations, we had to mention some of the Halloween costumes on the Remedy side!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.