There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

24th August 2019
Gamescom 2019 Day #5 Wrap-Up!
[Final Day! New Articles & Early Streams]

Gamescom 2019 is officially over! This evening, event doors closed on the five-day event and a week filled with announcements and reveals.

If you missed any of our daily coverage, catch up HERE

Remedy had a number of developers from the studio at the event including Juha Vaino (Lead Producer), Brooke Maggs (Narrative Designer), Minna Etsalo (Senior Graphic Designer), Vida Starčević (Community Manager), and Thomas Puha (Communications Director), along with Sari Lindberg (Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist), Wajhi Jafri (Senior Producer), and Mikaela Öberg-Mattila (HR Director). The developers also invited a number of influencers to report on the game throughout the week.

Here's everything that was posted on the fifth day of Gamescom 2019!
Celebrating Women's Equality Day

To celebrate Women's Equality Day, 505Games have teamed up with a number of female content creators to stream the first glimpse of Control, starring Remedy's first heroine. The creators were hand-selected across three platforms; Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer for a special showing coinciding with the final day of Gamescom.

Twitch channels: Maghla, DamDamLive, Naomi, ESL_PwnZ, snowlit, FuzzyFreaks, CypherOfTyr, Smashley, FhaeLin, NerdyNettyAlyskaPlays, TrishaHershberger, Morrigh4n, and cherryrae

Mixer channels: Moto, nymgamer_saffista, britni, and ChrisXP27

If you're not concerned about spoilers, make sure to join one of the channels and show your support
New Articles & Interviews

[RTX PREVIEW] Gamescom 2019: Ray Tracing Is Highly Focused At The Event!
     The Digital Weekly
After watching some sequences of Control’s gameplay, we will relate it to Quantum Break. Quantum Break was also developed by Remedy, and it looks like it is based on its code. Gameplay mechanics of the game is a joy to watch, and the character can use her mere supernatural powers in a lost city. This game’s gameplay is enough to build hype, and it truly deserved it. We will see more action when the game will release on 27th August.
Read their full report, HERE

[RTX PREVIEW] Gamescom 2019: did ray tracing finally find its killer app?
There were many highlights for Digital Foundry at this year's Gamescom, from the impressive Switch line-up to the hugely impressive retro-inspired Wrath: Aeon of Ruin. We'll be covering both of those soon - but with the absence of any next-gen console reveal, it was Nvidia that provided the most tantalising glimpse of the future of games technology. Almost one year after its RTX video cards launched, there's the sense that support for hardware-accelerated ray tracing is gathering momentum and in Minecraft RTX, there's a near-total implementation of RT that sets the imagination on fire.
Read Eurogamer's full article, HERE

[RETROSPECTIVE] La Storia Di Remedy Entertainment: Un Racconto Pieno Di Proiettili
     IGN Italia / Italian
Martedì 27 agosto segnerà il ritorno di Remedy Entertainment, con il suo primo progetto multipiattaforma dopo due lanci in esclusiva Xbox. Gli autori di Max Payne si ripresenteranno su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One con Control, un’avventura dalle tonalità “new weird” che unisce le meccaniche da sparatutto in terza persona, tanto care al team di sviluppo finlandese, all'esplorazione dei metroidvania. Ma quali sono le origini di questa software house dedita tanto all’azione quanto alla narrazione? Ripercorriamo i passi compiuti dalla squadra capitanata da Sam Lake per scoprirne le gesta e spianare la strada a uno dei giochi potenzialmente più sorprendenti dell’anno.
Read their retrospective, HERE!

[PREVIEW] Control gespielt: Das Physik-Wunderwerk wird Max Payne meets Inception
    PCWelt / German
Control lässt uns mit offenen Mündern zurück. Zu brillant ist die Inszenierung, zu genial die Physikengine der PC-Version, die wir ausführlich auf Nvidias Raytracing-Showcase anspielen. Es ist ein Werk vom Studio hinter Max Payne, Alan Wake und Quantum Break, die hier den technischen Benchmark ein gutes Stückchen höher setzen.
Read PCWelt's full preview on their website, HERE!

[INTERVIEW][gamescom]発売が迫るRemedy Entertainmentの新作アクション,「CONTROL」の最新版をチェックした / Japanese
     4Gamer.Net (interview with Brooke Maggs)
 「CONTROL」の舞台となるのは,謎の政府組織Federal Bureau of Control(FBC)の本部ビル,通称「オールデスト・ハウス」だ。1964年,ニューヨークのマンハッタンにある地下鉄トンネル構内で「世界を変革させる可能性を持つ」という超常現象が発見される。FBCの目的は,その現象を封じ込めて調査し,コントロールすることにあるという。
Read their full interview with Brooke Maggs, HERE!

[INTERVIEW]『CONTROL(コントロール)』斬新なアクションの下に隠されたRemedyらしい語りの美学【gamescom 2019】/ Japanese

Read their interview with Brooke, HERE
Photographs from the Showfloor


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.