Today, a new trailer for Control has dropped, this time focusing on the game's story!
In the teaser, we hear from a prisoner, portrayed by Sean Durrie (Nick Masters in Quantum Break) whose recent dream about the Hiss is a horrifyingly close comparison to reality. We also see new locations from The Oldest House and indications of Objects of Power.
We also learn the official rating for the game, with PEGI rating it as +16 and an ESRB rating of 17+ for "Blood, Strong Language, Violence".
Transcript: I'd like to tell you about a dream I had last night. In my dream, the Hiss had broken free of this prison, this house. At first, many people thought it was horrifying, but also many people wanted to welcome the Hiss. Hahaha, funny. That's all I can remember of that dream. This is an ordinary song, about an ordinary girl, from an ordinary-

29th July 2019
Control's New "Official Story Trailer" Out Now!
[Potential Spoilers]