There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

7th June 2019
Control's New E3 Teaser Warns About Incoming Hiss Threat
[Very Mild Spoilers]

E3 is just days away, and already we've seen the first few pieces of early Control goodness! Earlier this week, the embargo lifted on pre-show previews from the international press. Today, we got a glimpse at some new gameplay footage and locations!

For those cautious about spoilers as we near the launch date, the trailer doesn't delve that deep into the game. In many ways, it's similar to the world trailer released back in December, with shots of the FBC overlapped with narration by one of the central characters. This time, the voice over is provided by Dr Casper Darling, played by Matthew Porretta. While there are some shots of new characters and brief snaps of their dialogue, there's nothing revealing.

On the topic of spoilers, we're running a poll on Twitter for the next twenty-four hours to see what the community would like to see or would like to be warned about as we enter the final few weeks. 

Darling: We are about to be exposed, to a different kind of resonance. Hostile, viral, invasive resonance.

Pope: The Hiss escaping the building would be the end. Pretty shitty world out there if you ask me but I wouldn’t want the Hiss to destroy it.

[Unknown Character]: The Hiss? That’s what we’re calling them? That’s catchy.

Darling: Don’t worry, it’ll be, er… quick and painless.

Control is due to be released on August 27th 2019 on PlayStation 4, XBOX One, and PC. 


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.