Earlier this week, Remedy announced that Finnish actor, Martti Suosalo, will be joining Control's cast, portraying the quirky janitor, now introduced as Ahti.
Suosalo is a prolific actor living in Finland, with his earliest acting credits spanning back to 1984. In his thirty-five years, he has played dozens of roles including portraying Bilbo in The Lord of the Rings-inspired TV series, Hobitit, and composer Jean Sibelius in the biopic, Sibelius, just to name a few. However he is often credited, and best known for his work in The Rose of the Rascal, The Swan and the Wanderer, and Look of a Killer. His most recent project sees him playing Taisto in the TV comedy, Taisto - muovista ja rakkaudesta.
Ahti first made his appearance in screenshots released during last year's Gamescom, setting the game's concept. His name was initially teased in the screenshot titles, but was only directly confirmed this week. According to Sam Lake (Creative Director at Remedy), Ahti is a "tango-loving Finn" and "an off-beat loner who seems oddly at home in the endless strangeness of the Oldest House"
Update [3/7/2019]: A month after the reveal, Martti joined Sam and Mikael in an interview with Yle. You can read the full article (in Finnish), HERE!
In addition to the cast reveal, Remedy and Sam have both published photographs and videos of Suosalo's visit to the studios and his time spent in the in-house recording booth:

5th June 2019
Martti Suosalo Joins Control's Cast as Ahti