There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

3rd June 2019
Embargo Lifts on Pre-E3 Control Previews [Wrap-Up]
Updated 6/6

For the past few weeks, the community has been hearing little pieces of information about press events being held in both America and England in the run up to E3. Today, the official embargo lifted with a new wave of international pre-E3 previews for Control going live!

Members of the press were given a forty-five-minute preview of the game, ahead of the gaming event later this month, at events held in Santa Monica and London.

We've been gathering as many articles and previews as possible to provide as close to complete coverage as we could. New articles will be added to the list as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, check out the coverage from the Santa Monica and London events below:

Reports from Santa Monica, US...

[Updated 6/6] We Played An Hour Of Remedy's Control And Still Have No Idea What's Going On
The mission Remedy previewed was called Directorial Override. At the start of Control, strange creatures called the Hiss invade the Oldest House, the skyscraper headquarters for the Bureau of Control, possessing various employees and turning them into hostile, gun-toting creatures and monsters. That created a lockdown in the building that prevents Jesse from moving freely, so she needs to use her new director authorization to lift it. To do so, she has to head to the building's maintenance sector, fight a bunch of monsters, and meet some other Bureau of Control characters along the way.
Read Phil's full report, HERE.
Control Hands-On Preview: Like Max Payne Meets Alan Wake, But Weirder - E3 2019
This is now the second time I’ve played Control, the single-player, third-person action-adventure from Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Quantum Break developer Remedy. My first test drive (which you can also watch below) convinced me of Control’s fundamentals – namely, that shooting things and using the director’s telekinetic powers felt really fantastic – and so in my second go-round, I was looking for the same level of polish and appeal in the rest of the experience. Remedy’s never given reason to doubt the Finnish studio, and Control doesn’t seem like it will end the studio’s run of quality offerings anytime soon.
Read IGN's full impressions, HERE.
Control pre-E3 2019 hands-on preview: Hiss-teria
Remedy Entertainment's next game is just months away from its final release and things continue to feel topsy turvy at the Federal Bureau of Control. Employees are either under threat or under the direct influence of dark, evil forces. Supernatural terrors are around every corner, with players finding themselves in the real world in one moment and in a supernatural one in the next.
Read Ozzie's impressions of the preview, HERE
Control - Pre E3 2019 Preview

Remedy’s Control makes me feel like a Jedi that prefers guns
The combo of telekinesis and shooting makes for some fun action. As you’re doing your best to shoot enemies and keep yourself safe from their fire, you’re also surveying the area for objects you could throw at them. It adds an extra layer of complexity. You also use your powers to solve puzzles. In the demo, I had to give a generator power by throwing some cube-shaped batteries at it. It wasn’t anything too original or complex, but picking stuff up and chucking it with your mind still felt fun, even if it wasn’t directed at some digital bad guy’s face.
Read VentureBeat's full preview, HERE.
Control pre-E3 hands-on: The modern-day X-Men video game we’ve always wanted
     Ars Technica
After my latest hands-on session with the studio's summer 2019 adventure game, Contact, I think I spot a bright light ahead for Remedy. That light is smothered in bold red tones and beams from a creepy underground lair, maybe, but it's still bright and promising. From what I've played thus far, everything I liked about Quantum Break—jaw-dropping visuals, dimension-shifting weirdness, and telekinetic superpowers—has been paid forward to a new universe where mystery and plot don't get in the way of compelling action.
Read the full impressions, HERE.
Control || Hands-on with Remedy's spooky SCP-inspired thriller

[Updated 4/6] Hands-On: Control Elegantly Combines Gunplay and Telekinesis
Last month we were invited to get our hands on the most recent build of Control, the latest game from Remedy Entertainment, the folks behind games like Quantum Break and Alan Wake. When originally announced at E3 2018, Control had already been in development for a number of years. The game follows Jesse Faden, the director of the Federal Bureau of Control, as she fights an invasion by The Hiss, a supernatural entity that has the power to manipulate reality. In the build I played, Jesse was in the NSC power plant and tasked with restarting the power. Almost immediately I was surrounded by enemies and with a combination of my pistol and powers, I was able to take them out without a problem.
Read GameCrate's full report, HERE
[Updated 4/6] Control Hands-On Preview
     Nuke The Fridge
With E3 just around the corner, you can expect to hear a lot of previews of upcoming games especially from us. Not too long ago, we were invited by 505 Games to get an early-hands on preview with their upcoming 3rd-person Sci-Fi shooter, Control. Developed by Max Payne and Alan Wake developers Remedy Entertainment, Control was revealed last year at E3. you can check out our first impressions here.
Read Nuke The Fridge's write-up, HERE.
[Updated 4/6] Control hands-on preview: Telekinesis is oddly satisfying
     Nerd Reactor
Nerd Reactor was invited by 505 Games to preview the upcoming 3rd-person game, Control. We first saw this game at last year’s E3 but after a recent hands-on demo, we have much more insight on the dos and don’ts of telekinesis in the Control world. It is developed by Remedy Entertainment, which has also developed other popular titles like Alan Wake and Max Payne. Control presents a level of horror and mysteriousness akin to that of a James Wan horror movie. You’ll know what I mean when you head into the Astral Plane in order to hone some newfound abilities. Control mixes gun fights with Jedi Force powers and it is so satisfying.
Read the full report, HERE
Remedy Early Hands On Gameplay Impressions
This is early hands on gameplay from Remedy's New IP "Control" the studio behind Max Payne, Alan Wake and Quantum Break! Thank you to Remedy and 505Games for inviting me to experience Control!
Watch Geestargames' Twitch livestream, HERE.

Reports from London, UK...

Control Preview: Why Remedy's newest thriller is better than your favourite Netflix series
     Daily Star
Control leverages the pedigree of dialogue, the pacing of the scripting, the feel of the world that we see in modern classics like True Detective, Hannibal, The Wire, Mad Men and more besides to make it feel like a game that's been directly influenced and shaped in the image of these shows. Complex themes, morally ambiguous characters and not being shy about flirting with violence are all elements that stack Control up against the best of modern TV - and when you factor in tight, intuitive gameplay on top of that... you're onto a winner.
Read the full report, HERE
Control is taking the fight to Death Stranding to be crowned the most unusual action game of 2019
It is said by some that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times over. That's the underlying principle behind The Rule of Three, a ritual that permeates all throughout the world of Control, one of the many rules and rituals working to mask the Federal Bureau of Control's many secrets. If you understand these rules, if you learn the rituals, you too can push deeper into the unknown. That, my friends, also happens to be Remedy's approach to mission progression and level design too.
Read GamesRadar full preview, HERE.
Control demo hands-on preview: Paranormal action thriller shows great promise
Set for release in August, the studio’s upcoming game is a third person action title that puts you in the shoes of Jesse who has recently been appointed as the newest Director of a mysterious organisation called the Federal Bureau of Control, tasked with dealing with otherworldly phenomena. As a result of a paranormal incursion into our world, Jesse is imbued with supernatural powers, and has to use these to investigate and repel forces that appear to threaten our reality. For a recent preview event, Remedy’s Communications Director Thomas Puha played through a segment from a very early build, showcasing some of Jesse’s powers in action against the possessed corpses of Bureau staff. I also got some hands-on time with the game in a short demo.
Check out the Mirror's playthrough, HERE.
In Control you throw fire extinguishers at people and that's great
     Rock Paper Shotgun

It is going to take all of my self-control (Control!) to not just make this 1000 words describing how enamoured I am of just, like, absolutely head-wellying a fire extinguisher down a really long hallway and watching it explode at the other end, if I’m honest.

Read Rock Paper Shotgun's full report, HERE

Control's telekinesis power is even better than its weird, shape-shifting gun
     PC Gamer
When Wes got his hands on Control back in March, he came away quite fond of its weird transforming gun. I finally got a chance to play a demo of Control myself in May, and while I too thought the gun was neat I have to admit I barely even fired it. I was way to busy flinging around barrels, boxes, and huge hunks of concrete with Control's telekinesis power. I enjoyed it so much I might as well not even have had a gun in my hand. The short video above and here on YouTube (with footage supplied to me, not from my own personal playthrough) will explain why.
Read Christopher's full report, HERE

Control - E3 Demo Impressions
Our latest hands-on afforded us the chance to play a full mission of the build that's going to be playable at E3 later this month. The mission in question is called Directorial Override, and it's the third in the campaign. With that being the case we had limited abilities, but we did get to meet some new characters and learn a bit more about the setting of this most intriguing title.
Read GameReactor's full report, HERE.
Control hands-on preview – Metroidvania gets weird
The much more difficult thing to explain is what’s going on in the game, which is… complicated. Control boasts of being part of the new weird genre of fiction that mixes Lovecraftian horror with more modern themes. You take control of the new head of a secret U.S. government agency called the Bureau of Control, whose Brutalist headquarters has been overrun by an entity, or entities, known as Hiss – which has corrupted many agents and infected the reality-shifting innards of the building.
Read Metro's full impressions, and watch brand new gameplay, HERE
Control is a mind-bending love letter to pioneering sci-fi and horror
But with Control – the latest from Remedy Entertainment, the serial mind-melters behind Alan Wake and Quantum Break – you’re going to have a lot more explaining on your hands. Visually, it has the sharp orange and blue colour contrasts and bold typography of classic ‘80s (and earlier) sci-fi, the twisted, unknowable geometry of cosmic horror, and the stark brutalism found at the headquarters of many a fictional shadowy government organisation.
Read VG247's full report, HERE.
Hands-on with Control, a mysterious game that mixes Quantum Break with Doom
     Games Revolution
As a long time fan of Remedy games, my interest in Control — the Finnish developer’s upcoming third-person shooter — couldn’t be higher. That interest made way for excitement when I was invited to a Control preview event to find out more about its plot, gameplay, and everything in between. Playing a game that I’ve been keenly anticipating for 12 months could have ended in disappointment. After all, if it hadn’t lived up to my lofty expectations I wouldn’t have known what to think. Thankfully, Control delivered and left me feeling hopeful about the finished product.
Read Tom's full impressions, HERE.
Control: Giocata La Demo E3 Del Metroidvania Remedy
Invitati a Londra dal publisher 505 Games, abbiamo potuto provare in anteprima una nuova demo di Control, l’ambiziosa opera di Remedy, già autori di Max Payne e Quantum Break. Nello specifico, ci è stato dato modo di testare la terza missione dell’avventura, ossia quella che - come ci spiega il team di sviluppo - inizierà a mostrare le vere potenzialità del gioco, facendoci incontrare alcuni personaggi chiave e dandoci concretamente l’idea della libertà offerta dalla produzione.
Read their full preview, HERE.
Impresiones y gameplay de Control, lo nuevo de Remedy para PS4, Xbox One y PC
A poco menos de dos meses para que se ponga a la venta, hemos tenido la oportunidad de volver a jugar a Control, el nuevo juego de Remedy Entertainmentpara PS4, Xbox One y PC. Los creadores de Max Payne, Alan Wake y Quantum Breakhan apostado en esta ocasión por una aventura sobrenatural, con un desarrollo mucho más abierto que sus anteriores trabajaos, pero manteniendo las excelentes mecánicas de disparo y diseño narrativo por las que ha llegado a ser conocido este estudio finlandés. A continuación podéis ver nuestras impresiones en vídeo, aderezadas con un nuevo gameplay de Control.
Read HobbyConsolas' full report, HERE.
Control - Impresiones y gameplay del nuevo juego de Remedy Entertainment

Camino A E3 | Control Demuestra El Oficio De Los Creadores De Max Payne 
En la semana “Judges Week” previa a E3 pudimos ser parte del primer grupo de periodistas en el mundo en probar el nuevo juego de Remedy durante 45 minutos de la aventura real - no una demo diseñada para demostrar el gameplay, sino lo mismo que cualquier gamer podrá jugar desde el 27 de agosto en PlayStation 4, Xbox One y PC. Y mi impresión fue muy positiva, ya que lo que vimos de Control equilibra el oficio de Remedy con toques narrativos y estéticos audaces.
Read the full impressions, HERE.
Control y su mundo de acción y ciencia ficción apuntan a convertirse en uno de los juegos más interesantes de este verano 
     Vida Extra
Remedy Entertainment será una de las compañías protagonistas de estos meses venideros gracias a Control, su próximo gran trabajo que tuvimos la ocasión de jugar el mes pasado y así hacernos una idea de lo que nos íbamos a encontrar. En aquel momento tan solo probamos los poderes sobrenaturales de nuestra protagonista y poco más.
Read Vida Extra's full report of their London trip, HERE
Control, provata la demo dell'E3 2019
A pochi giorni dall'E3 2019 abbiamo provato la demo di Control che Remedy porterà alla fiera di Los Angeles, per scoprire a che punto è il nuovo action dagli autori di Max Payne e Quantum Break
Read's full report of their London trip, HERE.

Preview : E3 2019 : Control, ultime essai avant le grand saut dans l'action
Il est véritablement satisfaisant d’atteindre un monstre au loin en lui envoyant un bloc de béton dans les gencives, tordant les barrières de protection à son passage et faisant chuter des objets métalliques à son point d’impact. La télékinésie est puissante, et l’utiliser vide une jauge qui se recharge, heureusement, rapidement. Même si les objets qu’il est possible de déplacer revêtent un filtre blanc lorsqu’ils sont dans le champ de vision du joueur, il n’est pas nécessaire de scruter l’environnement pour en dénicher.

Read JeuxVideo's full report, HERE.
Avance de Control: Cuando la genialidad pende de un hilo 
     Area Jugones
Remedy se encuentra actualmente ante uno de los mayores retos de su carrera, el cual tiene un nombre definido por una sola palabra: Control. La nueva obra del estudio se dibuja en el horizonte como un cambio de tercio en su forma de hacer las cosas: una narrativa menos guiada, un amplio escenario donde el jugador poseerá más libertad que en anteriores entregas y un diseño estructural del proyecto que coquetea con el género de los metroidvania. En definitiva, Control intenta romper por primera vez con esa forma lineal y directa que tenían Alan Wake y Quantum Break de contar sus historias; y, precisamente, las primeras veces siempre dan un poco de vértigo.
Read Area Jugones full report, HERE.
[Updated 3/6] Control, todo el legado de Remedy en una sola aventura
Probamos el título en Londres junto a sus desarrolladores, que nos explican qué pretenden conseguir con esta nueva propuesta narrativa y jugable. Hay algo distinto en Control respecto a otros títulos de Remedy Entertainment. Mientras Quantum Break era, quizá, jugar más sobre seguro, con esta nueva apuesta se percibe una voluntad constante por querer tomar riesgos. Como en todo, arriesgarse puede salir bien o puede salir mal. No todo nos ha gustado tras probar la aventura protagonizada por Jesse Faden en las oficinas del estudio en Londres, concretamente la tercera misión de la historia al completo, pero sí una sensación final de que se están ganando a pulso que prestemos atención al proyecto.
Read Sergio's full report, HERE


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.