Last night, Remedy held their fifth Control livestream, this time focusing on their E3 2019 demo referred to as "Directorial Override".
Vida Starčević (Associate Community Manager) hosted the one-hour-forty-minutes long-stream and was joined by fellow developers, Mikael Kasurinen (Game Director), Brooke Maggs (Narrative Designer), and Thomas Puha (Communications Director).
Gameplay from the third chapter was shown in full, spanning over ninety minutes of content with the group of four completing one of the main story missions. During the demo, they also answered community questions collected via the Twitch chat.
As always, you can catch the full broadcast on their channel or below! And if you missed the previous broadcast, which looked at gameplay and story, you can catch up on the ControlRemedy channel, HERE.
Normal Twitch viewers can check out the broadcast up to fourteen days after it aired, whereas Twitch Partners and Turbo subscribers can view it up to sixty days after it aired. Although recent broadcasts have been added to the ControlRemedy YouTube channel, if you missed them.
Updated [27/6 at 18:53 EEST]: Twitch archived video changed to YouTube link.

26th June 2019
Watch Remedy's Directorial Override Livestream Here!
[Updated with YouTube Video]