There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

31st March 2019
Control at PAX East
[Event Wrap-Up!] / Updated 4/3

Today, doors closed on the final day of PAX East. I hope everyone who attended had a brilliant time and got to check out all of the games and other goodness that they were hoping to see at the event! For the past four days, Remedy and 505Games have been at the show promoting their upcoming title, Control, and for the first time, allowed the public to get their hands on a playable demo.

Reservations were taken through the PlayStation App on mobile devices, with a "walk-in" hour also allocated at the end of the day, but queues were still packed with gamer's looking to try out the Central Research demo.

Below are some of the interviews, impressions, and photos to come from the past four days
New Interviews
While Remedy was there to showcase Control to the public, some of the time was also spent talking to media outlets who wanted to learn more about Jesse's upcoming adventure.

Control More "Open-Ended and "Sandboxy" than Quantum Break
     GameReactor EU
We've only just been given official confirmation of the August release date for Remedy's upcoming game Control, but during PAX East we got to chat with communications director Thomas Puha about the game, and more specifically the inspirations that have gone into it.
Read the full GameReactor interview with Thomas, HERE.

“We were working on Alan Wake 2 years ago and it just didn’t pan out” – Remedy
Fans of Alan Wake may be waiting a while for Alan Wake 2, if it happens at all. During PAX East, we got a chance to chat with Thomas Puha, director of communications at Remedy Games, and we asked about the possibility of a sequel to the psychological horror series. “We were working on Alan Wake 2 years ago and it just didn’t pan out, so there’s nothing – we’re just booked solid for the next couple of years, really,” Puha explained. “We do own the Alan Wake IP, but it’s never quite as simple as that, but yeah, we do own it.”
Read the full interview with Thomas, HERE.

“No, we’re not pivoting away from single-player games,” says Control developer Remedy
“No, we’re not pivoting away from single-player games,” communications director Thomas Puha tells VG247 during PAX East. “The one assumption I do want to correct is that a lot of people at Remedy have been there for a long time. It’s not like we always want to be making the exact same thing either. A lot of us like multiplayer games a lot – and other types of games. So it’s like we look at it [and say], ‘It would be fun to try to do something and find our way in that world’, and Remedy tends to be pretty careful, for a good reason.
Read VG247 interview on single player games, HERE.
New [Video] Impressions
Following their playthrough, a number of new impressions have started to surface on YouTube, detailing what the channels thought about their twenty-minute demo.
New Articles
In addition to video impressions, there have also been new articles looking at the latest Control footage and discussing what Remedy has in store next for fans.

Hands On: Control
For years, Finnish developer Remedy Entertainment has crafted unique gameplay experiences with powerful narratives to match. The Max Payne franchise helped define bullet-time in gaming amidst the backdrop of urban noir. Alan Wake‘s ultra-mysterious story remains a fan favorite nearly a decade after its release. Quantum Break pushed the limits of storytelling with a live-action series to accompany its time-travel . Now, the studio has something new for players in the form of Control, a game with more complex mechanics that promises a lot and refuses to disappoint.
Read the full review, HERE.

Control hands-on — Remedy’s Next Game is Easy to, uh, Control
Alan Wake and Quantum Break developer Remedy showed off its latest Control action-adventure game at the PAX East event, and I gave it a whirl in my first visit to the fan show in Boston. The 20-minute demo didn’t reveal any of the story, but I got a good taste for the gameplay on the PlayStation 4. Publisher 505 Games will launch the game on August 27 on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with a simultaneous digital launch on the Epic Games store for PC.
Read the full preview, HERE.

PAX East 2019 Day 3 Previews: Control, Shovel Knight, Super Meat Boy Forever and More
However, one of the most striking aspects of Remedy’s games is how they tell stories, and more specifically, which influences inspire them. At first, it wasn’t immediately obvious to me what specific brand of fiction Control was building on. But after talking to one of the developers, the work of Jeff VanderMeer and House of Leaves came up, two novels which have clearly inspired the game’s aesthetic. VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy, the first part of which inspired the film Annihilation, is in part about the process of transformation
Read the full preview, HERE

Photographs from the Show Floor
And of course, there was plenty of photos from the show floor, from developers, publishers, and attendees.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.