There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

8th November 2018
Anna Megill Departs Remedy for Ubisoft Massive

Today Narrative Lead, Anna Megill announced that she was departing from Remedy, and moving to Malmö in Sweden to begin new adventures at Ubisoft Massive.

Anna joined the Remedy team as a Senior Writer back in August 2017, moving with her two cats (the adorable Nixy and Kijeu, whose adventures are lovingly documented on Twitter) from Washington DC to Helsinki.

She joined Narrative Lead, Mikko Rautalahti (now Narrative Director at Next Games, October 2017), Game Designer Eevi Korhonen (now Narrative Designer at Housemarque, September 2018) and Creative Director Sam Lake on bringing life to Control.

During her time at Remedy, she was one of the first developers to take part in the official interview series on the studio's site, she travelled to E3 2018 for the surprise reveal of Control and delved deeper into the game in a number of interviews on the showfloor, as well as contributing to Finland's annual pun quota. She was also the main writer on Control, and hired Ben Gelinas, Angel Leigh McCoy, Clay Murphy, Brooke Maggs (formerly writer in residence, now Narrative Designer at Remedy) to join her team on the project in early February of this year.

We wish her all the best with the relocation and with her new adventures at Ubisoft Massive. Thank you for all the work and time you've put into Control!

You can continue to follow her adventures in Malmö on Twitter!


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.