It's been a pretty hectic past three weeks but today marks our sixth and final E3 2018 wrap up post for Control! It's been really nice following the coverage for the past few weeks and seeing the amount of international excitement from the gaming media and the community.
While this is our final E3 wrap up post, we might not have to wait long before the next wave of news with implications that the developers may be returning to the spotlight at Gamescom in August. Hopefully that will be the case! In the meantime, if you've missed any of our E3 coverage of the game, you can check it out on our event hub, HERE.
Our Final Interview Wrap Up....
Control - Remedy's Cinematic Metroidvania
"Remedy have outdone themselves this time. Control's graphics and animations look like they're from another decade! On top of the outstanding visuals, Remedy have decided to take a Metroidvania route with their game design this time 'round. Here's a quick look at what you can expect."
"Lake continues by noting that another way Control will be different than Quantum Break – as well as its other previous projects – is that it will be less linear, less “holding the player's hand.” In fact, the way Lake describes the game, it almost sounds like something straight out of a Metroidvania playbook."
Click HERE to read Sam's full interview with ComicBook.Org.

Eyes-On: Remedy’s Control will bend your mind
"To give you an idea of the way things work in the Oldest House, one scene has Jesse performing a ritual in a huge storage room, only to find herself in a motel corridor. Spotting a black pyramid on one of the rooms’ doors, she goes to the front desk and grabs that room’s key. She opens the door to find a painting. She pulls on a string dangling from the ceiling and is now in the painting – on the other side of the painting."
Click HERE to read Mikael's interview with TechnoBuffalo

E3 2018 - Control Interview
Gamertag Radio
During my interview with @remedygames about @ControlRemedy on @gamertagradio. I asked @MikaelKasurinen if #ControlGame is connected to #QuantumBreak, #Alanwake & #MaxPayne? He was just smiling the whole time. HA! Listen to the full interview here #podcast— Danny Peña (@godfree) June 24, 2018

E3 2018 Interview with Remedy’s Mikael Kasurinen on Control
"During our time at E3, we were able to sit down and get a look at Remedy’s upcoming game, Control. We saw gameplay of some of the areas seen in the announcement trailer. Afterwards, we had a chance to sit down with Remedy Game Director Mikael Kasurinen to ask him about Control and learn how its development is a bit of a departure from previous Remedy titles."
Click HERE to read Mikael's full interview with GamerEscape.

Control – Weapons, Story, Powers, DLC And More In Exclusive Interview
Playstation Universe
"Last seen on the PS2 some fifteen years ago with Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, Control marks the return of Remedy Entertainment to the PlayStation fold (having toiled away exclusively on the Alan Wake and Quantum Break titles for Microsoft previously), and to hear more about one of the most exciting games of 2019 we spoke to Mikael Kasurinen, Game Director of Control."
Read Playstation's Universe's interview with Mikael, HERE.
We Talked to Control's Director About Refrigerators, John Wick, and Dogs. Oh, and the Game
"At E3 2018 I saw the trailer for Control during Sony’s press conference. Immediately I knew it’d be one of the most interesting games that I’d be seeing this year. Sure enough, I got to watch Remedy play through a demo of the game and enjoyed every second of it. From the weird twisting environment, the smart combat and powers, and a story that sounds totally insane in all the good ways. Thankfully I got to sit down with Mikael Kasurinen, the game’s director. He tells me about some of the gameplay decisions, the world design, the soundtrack, and more. Also we chat about dogs, John Wick, and the one IP he’d love to work on."
Read TechRaptor's interview with Mikael, HERE.
E3 2018 INTERVIEW: Remedy Games’ Mikael Kasurinen Talks Control
Operation Rainfall
"One of the biggest surprises to come out of the PlayStation E3 2018 Showcase was Remedy Games’ upcoming game Control. Set in a building known as the Oldest House, Control stars Jesse Faden as the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Control who has to deal with the Hiss as they possess and invade the FBC. After viewing a playable game demo that was set midway through the game, I was able to sit down with Control‘s director, Mikael Kasurinen, and talk with him about what Control is as a game and the inspirations behind it, how Control is different from prior Remedy titles, and more."
Read Operation Rainfall's interview with Mikael, HERE.
...And Our Final Preview Wrap Up!
E3 2018 Control Impressions: Remedy Unleashed
The Inner Circle Games Network
"In the game, the Federal Bureau of Control handles all mysterious or paranormal artifacts, keeping them away from an unsuspecting public. Their base of operation and the setting for the game, is the Oldest House. The Oldest House is a massive, labyrinth-like place that is biggest on the inside and is constantly shifting, with the rooms evolving and new paths emerging before the player’s eyes. Recently, the Bureau has been invaded by a mysterious force known only as the Hiss. The Hiss have strange powers, appearing to paralyze and possess different people, turning some of them into Drifters with dangerous abilities."
Click HERE to read TIC's full article.
Control - First Look
GameReactor UK
"The player is quickly introduced to the enemies of Control as Jesse walks by some bodies floating in the air, with one of them suddenly feeling the pull of gravity and hitting the floor in front of her with a heavy thump. The employee then proceeds to attack Jesse and she is forced to take him down with her - drum roll please - supernatural powers and equally supernatural handgun. We're told Jesse's service weapon is one that only bureau employees can wield and that Jesse can alter it for different combat encounters. We got to see two different modes used in the demo session, one regular handgun mode and one mode firing a round resembling a multi-target shotgun blast."
Read GameReactor's full preview, HERE.

Control is Remedy's Most Exciting Project in Years
"The demo shown to press at E3 2018 is a proper peek at what everybody saw during the game's Sony conference trailer. You play as Jesse Faden (Courtney Hope, AKA Beth in Quantum Break), who like all Remedy protagonists is skilled in third-person shooting and physics manipulation while exploring dark, mysterious surroundings. These surroundings will host a big change for Control - a space to explore with a narrative path, but also side-missions and Metroidvania-inspired exploration. At one point in the demo we pass a series of prison cells, the unlucky occupant of one screaming for help. It's a side-mission which we can return to later."

E3 2018 Impressions — Control
"Another of the interesting titles that we saw get the reveal out at this year’s E3 was Control from Remedy. It came at us all with a weird and unusual trailer, as was to be expected, and made a huge splash during the Sony conference where 505 Games opted to show it all off to the world. Maybe to hit home that their game was going to be on all platforms here or just the right place to unleash Control to the world. Either way, it was announced and slated to hit us in 2019 on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It also happened to have a bit more to show behind some closed doors during E3 and I had a chance to check it all out."
Read PlayerHUD's article, HERE.

These Are Our Favorite Game Demos from E3 2018
"Development on Control still has a ways to go, and we’re expecting 2019 at the very earliest, as Remedy games have a tendency to get delayed – but it’s always for the better. Whether we’re playing Control in 2019 or later, I have faith that it’s going to be a solid game and, hopefully, a return to form for the company after the detour into live action that was Quantum Break."
Read TechnoBuffalo's list of their favourite game demos from E3 2018, HERE!

Control Will Make Remedy a Household Name
"I got the chance to play many amazing games during this year’s E3. Unfortunately, one of them wasn’t Remedy’s upcoming Control. Announced during PlayStation’s press conference, the supernatural sci-fi action adventure game caught many of us by surprise. Though I wasn’t able to play it, I did get to see a 25-minute behind-closed-doors demo presented by the developers. From everything I’ve seen, this looks like another stellar title from the Remedy team. In fact, I believe this game will make the studio a household name."
Read's full preview, HERE.

E3 2018: Control Helped Remedy Concerns for Supernatural Shooters
"Our demo presentation started out with figurative hell breaking loose, with workers turned into mutations. Jesse starts with the ability to move objects around the offices, allowing her to grab a desk and throw them at enemies. You can also use your telekinetic powers to pick up debris and use it as a shield against projectiles. She is also capable of floating in the air and other seemingly magical abilities, most of which have not been showcased yet."
Read AppTrigger's demo preview, HERE.

Control is a Drastic Change in Remedy’s Game Design While Staying True to Telling a Weird Story
"For years, Remedy Entertainment has focused on narrative first and gameplay second. From the long monologues of Max Payne to the inner-workings of a writer in Alan Wake, and the episodic television experiment found in Quantum Break, it has been easy to see this emphasis on storytelling in almost every one of the studio’s titles. This focus on story over gameplay isn’t necessarily a negative but is just a design philosophy that one Remedy developer told me they’ve always kind of had at their studio."
Read Logan's full write-up, HERE.

Remedy’s Control Is Looking Like The Perfect Mix of Quantum Break And Alan Wake
"Remedy calls the environments “reactive,” avoiding all together the term “interactive.” They say “interactive” isn’t used because that would mean you can take down whole buildings and really destroy the game. But “reactive” allows the game to let Jesse select certain items from around the battle to use against her enemies. But she isn’t going over to the closest desk and throwing a stapler at her enemy. She uses a Force-like ability, something you’d see in Star Wars, where she grabs pieces of the floor and office debris around her and forms them into a makeshift shield used to block enemy fire. Her shield blocks what looks like all of the shotgun fire from the oncoming crazy-looking man. She also grabs an office chair, that she uses to toss at the enemy to kill him instantly."
Read GamingBolt's full preview, HERE.
A First Look At Remedy's New Game: Control
TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) Games
"During the 15 minutes hands-off demo shown to us behind closed doors at E3, the team from Remedy introduced us to Control‘s protagonist, Jesse Fadden, the newly appointed Director of the Federal Bureau of Control. While there is indeed more to find out about precisely what this bureau does, it quickly became clear that they’re in charge of dealing with the supernatural. Jesse herself possesses certain powers, which will be upgradable as players progress through the story."
Read TLDR's preview, HERE.