We're back with our second wrap up post for E3 2018! We've got more interviews and previews to share, but in the past twenty four hours Remedy fans were also treated to some extended gameplay from the Playstation Live Stage.
Like with yesterday, we'll continue to update this page with new Control articles throughout the day, but here are the news stories we've collected so far:
Let's start with some interviews:
Control - Gameplay Demo / PlayStation Live From E3 2018
Thomas Puha (Head of Communications) and Anna Megill (Narrative Lead) took to the Playstation Live Stage yesterday to showcase extended gameplay from Control, a teaser of what a select few are seeing behind press doors.
"Midway through the hands-off demo of Control that Remedy Entertainment is showing off behind closed doors at E3 2018 the protagonist, Jesse, travels down a large corridor, past rooms containing mysterious 'Objects of Power' and items touched by 'Altered World Events.' Each room is a cell with a glass wall, with the object in question carefully locked away, labeled, and monitored."
Click HERE to read the full interview with Remedy's Narrative Lead, Anna Megill.
‘Control’ is a leap of faith for the team behind ‘Alan Wake'
Engadget UK
"'The Oldest House is a place of power,' narrative director Anna Megill told me. 'It's an ever-expanding, shifting, kaleidoscoping, if you will, world within a location. The belief is that if you keep walking you can end up in some very, very strange places that might not seem like they belong in a building in Manhattan.'"
Read Anna's interview with Engadget UK, HERE.
Look at all these Previews:
Control Gameplay: 7 Freakiest Things We Saw in Remedy's Control Gameplay
"Control is the new game from Remedy, the studio behind Quantum Break and Alan Wake, and it’s shaping up to be just as twisted and unsettling as those earlier games. Fresh from the new Control trailer and a demo of Control gameplay here at E3 2018, we’re here to share the seven freakiest."

"Remedy calls this a 'world within one location,' and the studio’s creative director, Sam Lake, says that 'Metroidvania is a good description in some ways. You are unlocking the world as you go and discovering new places.'"
Read more about the demo from PCGamesN, HERE.
Control is Remedy's Trademark Weirdness with Sandbox Action
"There are obviously some supernatural forces at work in Control, and they’re not all in the FBC building—Jess also has special abilities that are revealed throughout the game. The early encounters had her using skills like Launch, which acts as a sort of violent telekinesis, to take down her aggressive coworkers. Later on, she can levitate herself to find new areas to explore. Even her seemingly normal service weapon can take different forms, from 'your everyday supernatural pistol' to a destructive firearm designed to take on groups of foes at short range."
Remedy’s New Game, Control, Has Metroidvania Elements
Critical Hit
"In it, players step into the shoes of the new director of the “Bureau of Control,” Jesse Faden. The secretive governmental agency is tasked with battling against supernatural enemies, including some sort of nasty, body possessing evil called the Hiss. In that battle, players can explore the perpetually shifting halls of The Oldest House, which seems to be where the agency is based. One moment you’re standing in a dull office building, and a flick of a light switch later and you’re transported elsewhere, with the building itself changing shape and form through elaborate rituals, a little like the warping architecture in Inception."
Read Critical Hit's full preview, HERE.
Control Takes Remedy's Storytelling Nous and Goes In Creative New Directions
XBOX Achievements
"A surprise reveal during Sony’s press conference, Control is the next title from Finnish studio Remedy – and it’s an intriguing one. Set inside the TARDIS-like Federal Bureau of Control building – it really is bigger on the inside – players take control of Jesse Faden: employee of the secretive FBC; wielder of supernatural powers; and person who needs to figure out just what the hell is going on."
Read XBOX Achievements' article, HERE.
Control Is The New Game From The Makers Of Alan Wake
"We also see that Jesse has a very unique gun and the ability to kinetically discharge energy at enemies, as well as use the powers to throw objects, shield herself from incoming attacks, and create dispersion waves that work like area of effect explosions. Many people note that her abilities seem very similar to those from Remedy's Quantum Break, which seems like a fair comparison. According to the website, players will be able to customize Jesse's abilities and upgrade them throughout the game."
Click HERE for the full post!
We Also Have Some Non-English Articles & Previews:
E3 2018 : Control : Le nouveau jeu hors-norme de Remedy
"Difficile de ne pas être aussi perdus que l’héroïne du nouveau titre de Remedy après avoir assisté à cette première démonstration de Control. Jesse Faden, la protagoniste principale de cette aventure, cherche à comprendre l’origine de ses pouvoirs télékinésiques alors qu’une menace surnaturelle envahit le bâtiment new-yorkais dans lequel elle se trouve. Tandis qu’au milieu des corps inanimés déambulent des humanoïdes corrompus, les niveaux se forment et se déforment tels des puzzles qui ne peuvent jamais être complétés."
Read JeuxVideo's Control breakdown, HERE!
Control: il nuovo gioco degli autori di Alan Wake e Quantum Break
"Remedy ha presentato all'E3 Control, conosciuto come Project P7, erede spirituale di Quantum Break. Un gioco d'azione e avventura in terza persona che si prospetta decisamente interessante..."