If you're heading to Nordic Game in Slagthuset in Malmö, Sweden this week, there are a number of Remedy-related activities and talks taking place that you may want to check out!
On the first day (Wednesday 23rd), Remedy is sponsoring Happy Hour, which will take place at the main venue bar between 17:00-18:00. The studio will also be part of MeetToMatch which focuses on company collaborations. (Booking required for the latter).
There are also three talks happening on the Wednesday and Friday.
Remedy's CEO, Tero Virtala will be taking to the stage twice on Wednesday 23rd, first with "Gaming on IPOs: Demystifying the Process of Going Public" at 10:00-11:00 in Room Stockholm. That panel will be moderated by Johanna Nylander and will also feature speakers; Erja Retzén, Johan Engström, Maria Grimaldi and Markus Nyström. Tero will also be taking part in the "Nordic Game, Where Are You Going?" panel at 11:15-12:00 at the Unreal Theatre. The "Where Are You Going" panel will be moderated by John Gaudiosi with speakers Bendik Stang, Hakan Abrak, Kjartan Emilsson, and Martin Wahlund.
Alan Wake and Quantum Break composer, Petri Alanko will also be taking part in a panel ("Same Game, Different Music") at the event. His session will be on Friday 25th May at 11:00-11:45 at the Unreal Theatre. The panel will be moderated by Arnold Nesis, and will also feature speakers Ari Pulkkinen, Chris Remo, and Thor Myrdal.

22nd May 2018
Remedy's Schedule at Nordic Game 2018