There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

12th December 2017
Remedy at Slush, MIGS and GDC
Uploaded Panels and Announced Lectures

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a flood of recent or upcoming talks by Remedy developers. The ones that have already passed have been uploaded onto YouTube, but a couple are coming up in the next few weeks. As we have a lot to cover today, it's going to be a pretty weird (but hopefully interesting!) round up post.

First we should probably tackle the upcoming panels or lectures:

Thomas Puha at MIGS
MIGS (Montreal International Game Summit) is taking place this week and Remedy's Head of Communication, Thomas Puha, will be on stage tomorrow (13th December) to talk about the studio's past, present and future.

Talk Description: You know Remedy Entertainment for cinematic, story-driven games like Max Payne, Alan Wake and Quantum Break. The key to staying in the business for such a long time has been adapting to the ever changing AAA landscape of the video games business. A few years ago Remedy decided on a new strategy. We wanted to make more games and have more control and ownership over the games we make as well as reach a larger audience than we had before. The company also wanted to explore other funding methods besides the usual. We have wanted to do all of these things for many years. In 2015 Remedy split into two development teams which are supported by our Northlight technology and tools team. One team is working on the Story Mode to Crossfire 2 for the Korean company Smilegate and our other project, P7, is being developed in partnership with 505 Games. Recently Remedy became listed company on Nasdaq First North after a successful IPO, which is how chose to fund our game projects."

The talk starts at 14:15 and ends at 15:15 on Wednesday 13th December.

Anna Megill at GDC 2018

Anna Megill, Remedy's new Narrative Lead, is heading to GDC next year. At the moment her lecture or panel topic hasn't been revealed, but if you're interested in writing and especially writing in video games make sure to keep an eye out next year!

In addition to upcoming lectures, some of the recent events have been uploading their footage onto YouTube:

Tero Virtala at Slush 2017
At this year's Slush event in Helsinki, Remedy's CEO, Tero Virtala, took part in a fireside discussion with Teemu Huutanen of Next Games on the topic of how the games industry has evolved over the years. The discussion was moderated by Elina Arponen. The full video feed of the day's event (day two of the event schedule) can be found on YouTube. That specific panel takes place at the 3:34:00 mark.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.