Over the past few months, Remedy has began a series of regular features on their website and social media channels. In addition to their developer interviews, they're also beginning a monthly Spotify playlist featuring the favourite tracks from employees at the studio.
So far, two playlists have been uploaded. The first (August 2017) is a selection of songs chosen by Remedy's Head of Communication, Thomas Puha, who features tracks from ScHoolboy Q, Lady Gaga, and Metallica. You can listen to Thomas' playlist, HERE.
For this September, it's Ethan Watson turn! He works at the studio as Remedy's Senior Engine Programmer. For his playlist, he has chosen twenty-one songs from artists such as The Pineapple Thief, Twelve Foot Ninja, Anathema and Elder. You can listen to Ethan's playlist, HERE.
Remedy's Spotify channel also features a selection of licensed songs used for Quantum Break, Petri Alanko's score of the game, as well as tracks which inspired the creative process.
You must have a Spotify account to listen to the songs, but registration is free.

6th September 2017
Remedy Developers Spotify Playlists / Thomas & Ethan