This past month a couple of interesting Alan Wake features were posted on TrueAchievements. One is due to the community voting the title to become the first game for the TAPlaylist. The second is an article by Mark (aka N0TPENNYSB0AT on Twitter) who wrote about the completeness in the game's incompleteness.
The TA Playlist started two months ago as a way of featuring the games which the True Achievement community considered to be their favourites. Every month a poll would be published featuring games that were currently available to play and were also easy to get. The community would then be able to vote for their favourite titles and the winner would have the following month dedicated to them. For the first poll, Alan Wake was the winner in a clear landslide that TA actually hid the result after the first few hours to keep things a little more secretive. As a result, the writers for the site joined together for a podcast, talking about how they found the game; some having been in the AW community for years, others picking it up for the first time.
You can listen to the True Achievements podcast, HERE.
A few weeks later, in response to the sudden announcement that Alan Wake would be disappearing from retail on May 15th, Mark wrote an article about his love for the series. It's a beautiful article which is very bittersweet in many ways. It comes to terms with the changes over the years and reflect fondly on the games that have been; finding completeness in the remaining mystery. "Maybe it's a lake after all".
You can read Mark's article, HERE.

18th May 2017
True Achievements' Alan Wake Podcast & Mark's Article