There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

18th June 2016
200,000 Milestone Giveaway / Death Rally 2012 (Steam) [ENDED]

Back in February 2012, I set up The Sudden Stop as an Alan Wake site to celebrate the series and the community with fellow fans. Even just moments after I posted about the site on the forums, I was blown away by the amount of support and kindness that the community had and gave. That initial impression is something which I always reflect fondly on. This morning, the site's counter clicked over to 200,000 visitors, a total which has been counting since its opening, which is pretty unbelievable for me. Thank you to everyone who has visited and supported the site over the past four years. It really means a lot to me. :)

To say thank you, I wanted to arrange a little a giveaway! The prize is a copy of Death Rally (2012) on Steam (usually £6.99).  The game is a remastered version of Remedy's first title of the same name, and it's pretty addictive. I have the game on my Android tablet and I still replay races even years later. 

How to Enter:

There are multiple ways you could enter, depending on which social media pages you have. Alternatively you can enter through email.
Twitter: Reply to THIS tweet. It can be a simple "hey!" or even just a happy face. Photos or gifs of cats will also be very welcome because cats. You must also follow us on @TheSuddenStop so that we can get in contact with you if you win. 
Facebook: Comment on THIS status. You'll also need to "like" the page so you can be contacted should you be the winner. 
Email: Send me a message at alanwake.thesuddenstop (at) gmail (dot) com with the title Death Rally Entry.

The closing date will be 20:00 (UK / BST) on Wednesday 22nd June 2016!

How the winner will be picked:

For this competition there will be one (1) winner. To keep the competition fair, the winner will be selected at random using an online number generator. 

The winner will be contacted as soon as possible. Competition closes Wednesday 22nd June at 20:00 UK Time (BST). 

Now for the boring but necessary fine print:

     1.   One entry per person per social media channel.
     2.   You must have Steam to enter and claim the prize.
     3.  This is open worldwide, but restrictions may apply on countries with limits on internet competitions.
     4.  No cash prize alternative will be available.
     5.  You must be over the Death Rally age rating in your country to enter this competition.
     6.  A new winner may be picked if the first does not respond to the message. Although this is only a last resort after a week with reminders and alternative methods of communication e.g. through social media posts.
     7.  Please note, this is an unofficial fan event and not sponsored by Remedy, Facebook, Google, Twitter or Valve
     8. The end date for this specific competition is Wednesday 22nd June 2016 at 20:00 UK Time (BST)
     9. Entries collected through Facebook follow the rules stated on 23rd August 2013, HERE.
   10. Entries collected through Twitter follow the rules stated in their Guidelines, HERE

Best of luck to all those that enter and thank you again for the support!


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The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.