Things have quietened down slightly in terms of Quantum Break announcements, since the buzz of Gamescom. The team is currently hard at work on the final few months of the game's development back in Finland. Although there's not a complete lid on everything. The past couple of weeks, a few spokespeople from Remedy have done local interviews about their upcoming series. Of course, being back in Finland, the interviews are in Finnish.
I'm currently learning Finnish but it's still.... very much a work in progress. Admittedly I'm still getting lapset confused with lasit and kukka with kakku, and I'm slightly living in fear of the day I'll (somehow) be purchasing a battery flower cake. At best I am a pretty pants translator, so I'm afraid I can't provide notes for these interviews just yet. If you can or know someone who is willing to, that's awesome, thank you, and make sure to send me an email!
So about these interviews!
Earlier today, Thomas Puha, the new Head of PR at the company, spoke to RadioRock. Click HERE for the show.
In addition to the radio show, a little while ago, a morning show had both Sam Lake and Markus Mäki as guests. They had a 10 minute live interview, which you can catch on the YLE site, HERE.

7th September 2015
Remedy Interviews, Post Gamescom 2015 (in Finnish)