Today marks the first day of Gamescom 2015, as Microsoft's Media Briefing was livestreamed around the globe. Developers working on upcoming XBOX titles traveled to Germany to announce new titles and new information. One of those developers was Remedy who had the challenging but unique role of starting the conference.
Fans were treated with a release date, and gameplay footage,
and live action footage, and actor announcements and a new trailer.
With the conference just ending moments ago, we're currently in the zone between all of the stuff happening and all of the stuff being online. But in the meantime, there is an absolutely fantastic trailer which sums up what fans saw today. I'm seriously excited about everything we've seen today and if you are too, make sure to keep visiting back for more Quantum Break goodness throughout the week!

4th August 2015
Time is Power / Quantum Break Gamescom 2015 Trailer