Remedy's 20th anniversary video is up and it's one that you really don't want to miss. Watch for a once-in-a-lifetime competition
and opportunity. In addition to that, Sam
reveals when we'll see more Quantum Break goodness.
In the Fall, Remedy will be holding a special anniversary celebration, and you could attend too! The prize includes a round trip to Finland (which is gorgeous by the way) for you and a buddy, and entry to the celebrations. All you need to do is record a special birthday message or share your favourite moment from Remedy's titles and post it online (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) with the tag #Remedy20. The competition closes on 8th August. Make sure your video is visible publicly too so that your entry is counted! All participants are also included in a sweepstakes which includes some rare Remedy merchandise.
For more information read about the competition on the official site, HERE, and make sure to watch the video below too:

8th June 2015
20th Anniversary Video / Competition & Events