Patrick from PayneReactor has arranged a fantastic art competition for all you Max Payne fans, with a cool custom Playstation 4 (with a 1000GB harddrive) to be awarded to the winner. The prize will also contain two Duel Red Shock controllers and a copy of Grand Theft Auto V.
He is looking for a piece of Max Payne fan art measuring 1920x1080px and sent either in a jpeg or .png format. The art needs to feature Max or Mona Sax, and must not contain any logos, advertisements or product names. It must also be created specially for the competition.
The deadline is 20th May, which also marks the third anniversary of Max Payne 3. The cut off time will be 23:59 PST.
For more details about the competition, check out Patrick's post HERE.

16th March 2015
PayneReactor's Art Competition