PC Gamers! From now until Friday 13th, both the Alan Wake and Max Payne series are available at a discounted price on Steam. The deals are part of Steam's Mystery Midweek Sale.
For Max Payne, the discount seems to be dependent on the country you live in. If you live in an area where the discount is available, the titles can be purchased at 75% off. . There doesn't seem to be a list of regions the offer is available in, so if you're interested in the game, make sure to head over the the game's landing page to see if it's on sale for you.
Click HERE for the Max Payne landing page.
Click HERE for the Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne landing page.
In addition to Max Payne, the Alan Wake series is included in the sale at 50% off. Both Alan Wake (normal and Collector's Edition versions) and Alan Wake's American Nightmare are discounted. For all discounted versions, check the list below:
Click HERE for the Alan Wake (game) landing page.
Click HERE for the Alan Wake Collector's Edition landing page.
Click HERE for the Alan Wake's American Nightmare landing page.
Click HERE for the Alan Wake Franchise (includes everything above) landing page.

10th February 2015
Steam's Mystery Midweek Sale (ENDED)