A few minutes ago, Remedy released a new trailer for Quantum Break that answers many of the community's questions. It's packed with new information, a confirmed release date and new gameplay footage. Make sure to check it out below before scrolling down the page, to where I discuss some of the announcements from the video.
Stay tuned for more announcments coming this Summer!
What's announced in the video:
In the trailer, Sam announced a whole bunch of new facts including the game's release date. Quantum Break will be released in 2015. While there has been a lot of debate about the game being delayed, it's important to note that this is the first time Remedy has announced a time frame. Another topic discussed was when we'll see new gameplay footage from the game, and that will be at gamescom in August. The show will run from 13th-17th and is open for all gamers.
We also heard more about the live action series that will accompany and ship with the game as a package. While the game focuses on our heroes, the show will look at Monarch and will expand more on their evil schemes.

29th May 2014
New Quantum Break Gameplay Teaser