There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

Bright Falls: Episode One "Oh Deer" - Synopsis

A diver swims to his boat pulling a full body bag, he arrives to shore and pulls it off the boat. The body bag is full, and yet when the diver turns returns to his boat and rows away, the body bag is now empty. Jake Fischer is driving fast down a coastal runway. The trees are extremely dark and prevents the small amount of light in the sky from reaching the ground. Jake talks to Hal who is presumed to be his agent and friend. Despite having the headlights on, the visibility is extremely low and considering Jake's speed, he is going dangerously fast down the roads. During Jake's and Hal's conversation, Jake's profession is announced as a reporter who is travelling to Bright Falls to interview an author who recently wrote a book. Libby is also brought up and considering Jake's reaction, possibly had a close relationship which soured somewhat. Jake pulls over the car, and takes a couple of pills and water. He looks down at the bottle of pills and becomes slightly distressed by the empty container.

A couple of minutes later, Jake pulls the car into a car park of a small quaint restaurant called Oh Deer Diner. Also parked outside is a large digger. The diner has large windows which makes the interior completely visible from the outside, inside includes a mounted deer head, a neon sign reading the diner's name, a string of flags, and a group of residents gathered around a table. Jake gets out of the car and walks towards the entrance. Inside the diner, he sits alone and the locals turn to stare at him. He remains unconcerned by their glances and instead focuses on the sheets of paper in front of him of an article titled "Dr Emil Hartman Gets "Creative" With New Therapeutic Approach". Hartman is probably the author that Jake travelled to Bright Falls to interview. It isn't long before he is approached by a waitress named Rose who flirts with him. Jake notices the Alan Wake cardboard cutout promoting "The Sudden Stop", Rose reveals that she likes writers. Quickly afterwards, she returns from the kitchen with a large plate of fried food. A waiter follows her with a cake and the entire diner joins in with a distorted version of Happy Birthday.

A short time after, Jake returns to his car to find a small scrap of paper with "65500 Piper Rd" written in felt tip pen. He sets his Sat Nav to the location and drives down the road towards his destination. He recieves a phone call from "Libby - Home" but doesn't answer. He stares at the screen for several moments, taking his eyes off the road. As he returns his attention back to driving, he spots a deer directly ahead. He breaks suddenly but his attempts to avoid it fails as he hits it. Jake gets out of his car, and turns on his flashlight and focuses it on the deer. As the light hits it, it screams in agony. The flashlight quickly stutters and dies and the deer quietens down. He can hear something moving in the forest, but can't see anything apart from what looks like a shoe moving underneath a bush.  Jake returns to the driving seat of his car and notices a nearby advertising board reading promoting Bright Falls' annual DeerFest Event.


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.