In Alan Wake, there are eleven radio shows that the player can collect by interacting with radios around Bright Falls. All shows are present within the first four episodes of the game. In the show, we receive a personal look at the town through the eyes of Pat Maine, the KBF-FM and Night Owl radio host, and hear perspectives from guest callers.
Episode Four. The Anderson Farm. On your way to the Anderson Farm, take the left road that takes you a little further around the cliff. It's only a very small detour, but it will take you around another watch tower. Get out of your car and climb the steps. Inside, you will find the tenth radio.
Pat Maine warns Bright Fall residents to watch out for Alice Wake, who may have been injured in a car crash. He asks them to take her in to make sure she's okay and call the Bright Falls Sheriff's Department.
Pat Maine: Well! As I'm sure everyone's noticed, that storm we all felt coming is finally here. The boys at the Weather Service reckon it'll last until morning, at the very least. Pertaining to that, let me read that missing persons alert again: the Sheriff's Department is still looking for a Caucasian woman, 30 years old, slim and blonde with blue eyes. She may be lost in the woods, and it's possible she's been injured in a car accident. If you see her, please make sure you get her indoors and call the Sheriff. It's bad weather to be caught out in, so if you see someone in the area who looks a little confused, give them a hand, all right? Ahem. This is Pat Maine on KBF-FM, hoping you're all safe and warm tonight.