Influenced by the Twilight Zone television show, Night Springs is the name of fictional TV series that players can watch episodes of in their travels across Bright Falls. Throughout the game, players can track down six episodes to collect the Couch Potato reward. With the Steam release of Alan Wake, and the pending launch of Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Remedy made three extra episodes available.
- Themes. Similar to the game, The Doomed Samaritan explores themes of fate.
- Quantum Break. Remedy would later explore closed time loops in Quantum Break. With many interpretations of time travel, the studio pursued the theory that changes are impossible and intervention to prevent an event will always lead to that same outcome.
- Alan Wake, The Writer. "My name is Alan Wake, and I’m a writer. I didn’t become one overnight. Like most writers, I struggled with it -- a short story here, an article there. Then I got lucky and spent a year as a staff writer on the Night Springs TV show. It wasn’t the great American novel of my fantasies, but it taught me discipline and craft, and the difference between wanting to be a writer and actually writing."
- Night Springs, the Cult TV Show. "Night Springs doesn’t exist. It’s a fictional town from the TV show I used to work on. It was Anyplace, USA, a place we used as a backdrop for whatever strange story we had that week. One of the stories I wrote for the show involved a man, “the champion of light,” fighting his evil double, “the herald of darkness”. It was something I’d written back in the real world -- something I had a link to, a framework I could build on. I adapted it into a new story. This story."