This afternoon, Remedy held a new livestream which explored a section of one of Control's main missions.
Remedy's Associate Community Manager Vida Starčević was joined by Thomas Puha (Communications Director) and Mikael Kasurinen (Game Director) as they delved deeper into a "Marshall" mission from the main game.
You can catch the full broadcast on their channel or below! The livestream was the third broadcast held in the studio's new offices and second Control-themed broadcast. While the Alan Wake livestream is no longer available, you can still all of their Control livestreams, here.
Normal Twitch viewers can check out the broadcast up to fourteen days after it aired, whereas Twitch Partners and Turbo subscribers can view it up to sixty days after it aired. So if you don't have a membership on the site, you might want to check out the livestream soon.
Updated [24/6 at 21:02 EEST]: Twitch link switched to YouTube for archiving purposes.

7th May 2019
Watch Remedy's Control's Marshall Mission Livestream Here!