There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

6th October 2018
New York Comic Con 2018 Wrap-Up / Part #1
[Social Media]

New York Comic Con is continuing throughout the weekend, but as the event doors closed last night, it brought to an end the scheduled Control community events.

While the morning and afternoon was dedicated to press interviews, the evening featured a special hour-long Control panel with Sam Lake (Creative Director at Remedy), Courtney Hope (Jesse Faden), James McCaffrey (Zachariah Trench) and Matthew Porretta (Dr Casper Darling). Followed by an hour long autograph session with panel attendees.

We know some of the publications that met with the team ahead of the panel and will wrap up media interviews in its own post as they're uploaded but with so many wonderful posts across Instagram and Twitter from Remedy fans, devs and actors, we wanted to have a collection of photos and videos showcasing the night's events. Check them out below!

My mom told me my mouth dropped when I saw Sam Lake tonight. It did. I described to her that if I had to choose one man to represent my idea of God, it would be him. I still feel that way. I feel that way because he creates worlds unlike anything most humans can imagine. Plus he’s weird. Plus he’s kind. Plus he’s got a sense of humor. I imagine that to be a lot like God. PLUS I got to meet Courtney Hope - an actress I’m a fan of and a person I love even more. I told her that her fitness posts inspire me but that I’m not quite where she is yet - that maybe by next summer I’ll have the perfect bikini body. She thinks I have it now. So sweet, but I think we all know I have 5lbs to lose before I’m there. lol I met her boyfriend Chad. So hot. I love him. lol I told him I stalk his Instagram all the time and he said “well, at least you’re honest.” Oh, I am, Chad. I am. I met the guy who voiced Max Payne who was so unbelievably nice AND I met the guy who voiced Alan Wake and nearly died. lol Alan fucking Wake!!! Oh my God. It was too much. Back to Sam... what’s magnificent human. I just adore him and love his brain. This panel was too much for me to handle. Too much!! Thank you for all the autographed post cards and selfies. PS: Sam told me that @shawnrashmore was talking about me and that’s why I got that Quantum Break poster sent to the mail. I guess Sam had presigned it. I had Shawn sign it the last time I saw him. And tonight Courtney signed it. My heart is smiling. I love Shawn. Even when he’s not around to be amazing, his amazingness floats through the air like a balloon.
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The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.