There are places in our world where fiction and dreams can come true.

6th February 2015
Invisible Rain's 200th Artwork Milestone

Kristy, also known online as Invisible Rain, is a familiar face in the Remedy community. She's a talented artist and writer living in Australia who, just last week, completed her 200th drawing inspired by the Alan Wake series.

Her artwork is stunning, from her beautiful American Nightmare-inspired scenes to the darker images reflecting the character's desperation. She puts great detail and passion into not only recreating scenes from Alan's adventures, but also creating her own stories about his life set before and after the events of the game. 

Something I really admire about Kristy's work is her exploration with different techniques. She has an incredible art style, but she's also not afraid of testing out new tools and designs whether that would be line drawings, chibis, paintings or light practises. She even combines her own art with well-known styles such as Disney's or The Simpsons'. It's the combination of passion for the games and for her drawings which clearly shine through in each piece. 

An aspect of her work that she does amazingly well, and which she somehow manages to keep improving on, is the lighting effect in her work. Each piece shows more confidence with them and her experimentation has led to some incredibly fantastic pieces where light is seen as comforting. It also reflects the game really well as the light is often portrayed as a safe haven or gives the implication of hope.

She also has a keen eye for details; she not only studies her character but picks up on slight details which some people may overlook. These details make her drawings come to life a lot more; instead of being posed figures, their body language and facial expressions reflect so much of their situation they're in and their emotions.

You can follow Kristy's work on Twitter, deviantArt, Facebook and RedBubble.
And congratulations to her for passing the milestone, we look forward to seeing more pieces in the future! :)


The Control Series

The Crossfire Series

The Quantum Break Series

The Alan Wake Series

The Max Payne Series




Icons by the incredible, Evil-Owl-Loki.

Beyond the shadow you settle for, there is a miracle illuminated.