The dawn of December marks the end of Movember!* Through donations on the company's charity page, the Remedy team raised an impressive €688 for charities and organisations dedicated to fighting cancer. Congratulations to the entire team for surviving the month; Tyler, Mikki, Martin, Lauri, Jari, Henrik, Milos, Martin, Johannes and Cam.
Movember is a yearly event in which beards are grown as a means of fundraising for charity. Donations will go towards supporting programmes which combat prostate cancer. The programmes are focused on awareness, education, coping with and after cancer, and research into the illness. (For more information on the event and where your money goes to, click HERE.)
* Yeah, it's hard to make "December", "November" and "Movemeber" not rhyme awkwardly.

3rd December 2013
Movember 2013 Finishes